Blog Archive

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Dead Media

I thought you might be interested in the below quote from Bruce Sterling:
Media is an extension of the senses.
Media is a mode of consciousness.
Media is extrasomatic memory; a crystallisation of human thought that survives the death of the individual
Media is a means of social interaction.
Media is a means of command and control.
Media is statistics, knowledge that is gathered and genrated by the state.
Media is economics, transactions, records, contracts, money, and the records of money.
Media is the meas of civil society and public opinion.
Media is a means of debate and decision and agitpropaganda.

Its interesting to think about the story of media objects themselves. Their history. As new media replaces 'old' media, these old 'bodies'; objects become obsolete. They die and go to media heaven.

Read Bruce Sterling's manifesto here
And the Lost Formats project by Experimental Jetset might also be of interest.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if anyone has ever attempted to chart all the past human readable/comprehensible media…
